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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiantes et étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus , le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant
2024 “The age of failure” : violence and trauma in Henning Mankell’s Faceless killers and The pyramid
1998 The ambiguities of African representations of the Colonial encounter : Chinua Achebe's Things fall apart, Ayi Kwei Armah's Two thousand seasons and Yambo Ouologuem's Bound To violence
2009 The ambivalent identity of Wong Kar-wai's cinema
1996 The american literary canon debate beyond the "aesthetic" and "political" positions
2020 The anatomy of silence : decolonizing the female body in rape narratives
2000 The appeal to immediacy of the Erfahrungshunger decades : a socio-historical clarification and diagnosis
2007 Théâtralité du cinéma : enjeux scénographiques et dramaturgiques
1997 The big deal : card games in 20th-century fiction
2012 The Body and the Parent-Daughter Bond : Negotiating Haitian Filial Relationships in Edwidge Danticat’s Breath, Eyes, Memory and The Dew Breaker
1997 The Boswellian Ego : Melancholia and Hypochondria in the journals and letters of James Boswell
2009 The Broken "I" : fragmentation of self and otherness in modern urban narratives
1999 The Canada Council, the regional theatre system and the English-Canadian playwright : 1957-1975
2012 The career of the missed encounter in classic american literature
1998 The construction of transnational identities in latina coming-of-age narratives
2016 The Cut by Fatih Akin : a Western?
1998 The death of a beautiful woman : "nineteenth century up-to-date with a vengeance"
2008 The dialogic and the carnivalesque in Beloved and Jazz by Toni Morrison
2022 The dimensions of space : metaphorical poetics
2015 The doing and undoing of global literature : myth, microcosm and atopia in triestine writing
2012 The Dystopic Body in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale
2018 The Effect of Collective Psychology on the Mistreatment of Nineteenth-Century Women in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper"
2020 The "Effect of Education" on kinship ties in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park
2007 The elusive vampire : an examination of unfixed sexuality in Bram Stoker's Dracula
2008 The eroticization of space and language through desire in Gail Scott's My Paris
2015 The erring archive in Anne Carson
1996 The exiled intelligence : Delmore Schwartz and the poetry of knowing
1989 The Family :The Way to Christ in Flannery O'Connor's fiction
2014 The figure of the vampire as an emblem of tradition
2001 The Flood Myth, the Lone Ranger, and the re-centering of marginal masculinity in Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King
1997 The historical modalities of the intellectual
2012 The Hybridity of Violence : Location, Dislocation, and Relocation in Contemporary Canadian Multicultural and Indigenous Writing
2004 The legacy of colonialism in Chinua Achebe's work
2001 The little presses that did : a history of First statement press, Contact press and Delta Canada, and an assessment of their contribution to the rise and development of modernist poetry in Canada during the middle part of the twentieth century
2021 The manifestation of the political in the gendered society of Gilead in Margaret Atwood's The Testaments
1998 The Montrealer and Canadian short stories
2003 The multiple voices of indenture history : the South Asian diasporic novel in English
2022 The narrative manipulation of human subjectivity : a machinic exploration of psyche as artificial ready-made
2006 The narrative structure of comics
1993 The narrator and the reader of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet letter and other romances
1999 The non-verbal as a means of communication in Three of Harold Pinter's plays : the dumb waiter, the homecoming and the lover