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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiantes et étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus , le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant
2007 Widening gaps, productive spaces : the construction of Victorian identity in Thomas Carlyle, Lewis Carroll and George Eliot
2016-08 A Romantic Bildung : the development of coming-of-age novels in the Romantic period (1782-1817)
2014-03 Daughters of Lilith : transgressive femininity in Bram Stoker’s late gothic fiction
2012-12 The Aesthetics of Madame de Staël and Mary Shelley
2012-12 Building Beyond Limits : Fantastic Collisions Between Bodies and Machines in French and English Fin-de-Siècle Literature
2012-12 Building Blocks : Children's Literature and the Formation of a Nation, 1750-1825
2010-08 Dramatizing whoredom : prostitution in the work of Tennessee Williams
2006 "Inside our own skins" : representations of estrangement in four plays by Tennessee Williams
2013-12 Revisiting the gentleman : a study of hegemonic masculinity in the works of Jane Austen
2014-01 Transgression in Matthew Lewis's The Monk and the Fragmentation of the Self
2009-08 The Abuser and the Abused : impropriety in Selected Texts by Jane Austen
2003 Jane Austen and her men : ancestors of the modern romances
2009-08 Faith lost and regained : the evolution of Anne Rice's critique of christianity in The Vampire Chronicles
2013-04 Eye and Ear in Wordsworth's Poetry
2009-11 Between the spheres : male characters and the performance of femininity in four victorian novels, 1849-1886
2021-11 The politics of female friendship in contemporary speculative fiction
2021-12 The manifestation of the political in the gendered society of Gilead in Margaret Atwood's The Testaments
2020-12 Coalescence and opposition : depiction of vampires in Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Stephenie Meyer’s Breaking Dawn from the Twilight series
2005 Existential criminology : a profile of phantom killers
2014-12 Sign, meaning and violence in Laurell K. Hamilton’s novels : a postmodernist approach