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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiantes et étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus , le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant
2020 Toryism reconstructed : the relationship between T.C. Haliburton's The Clockmaker and Canadian Imperialists
1997 Hybrid canons, hybrid theories : the political dialectic of literary theory and canon criticism
2012 Literary meals in Canada : the Food/books of Austin Clarke, Hiromi Goto, Tessa McWatt and Fred Wah
1998 Through a glass darkly : gothic intertexts in Margaret Atwood's Cat's eye
2000 Women's autobiographies : (Un)conscious re-presentations of self and mother
2001 The Flood Myth, the Lone Ranger, and the re-centering of marginal masculinity in Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King
2024 Narrative satisfaction in golden age detective fiction : a study in the quality and craft of plot
1998 The death of a beautiful woman : "nineteenth century up-to-date with a vengeance"
2001 Headless : a work of fiction/theory on desire and fear in narrative
2023 Navigating trauma and the city : at the intersection of trauma theory and flânerie in contemporary Canadian fiction
2011 Inventing interventions : strategies of reappropriation in Native American and First Nations literatures
1997 The question of identity in italian-canadian fiction
1996 This is who I am and why : codes, will, confession and transformation in Atwood, Ricci, Salinger and Baldwin
2000 The play of desire : Sinclair Ross's Gay fiction
1999 The Canada Council, the regional theatre system and the English-Canadian playwright : 1957-1975
2003 Arab woman : different culture, different feminism
2015 Bodies, stories, cities : learning to read and write (in) Montréal with Gail Scott
2019 Theorizing the peregrinations of Anglo/Québécois literature in translation
2022 The dimensions of space : metaphorical poetics
2005 Conceptions of the self : a theoretical, fictional, and analytical investigation
2012 The Dystopic Body in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale
1998 Placing Atlantic Canada : community, cultural history, politics
2010 Believing in belief : the modernist quest for spiritual meaning (Croyer en croyance : la quête moderniste pour le sens spirituel)
2024 Dreams screams and other violent means : an essay on ghosts
2017 Performing femininity within masculine circles : a study of negation in the works of Mina Loy
2018 The poetics of translation : a thinking structure
2005 What language is this ? : a study of abjection in Djuna Barnes's Nightwood and Anne Stone's Hush
2004 Differing bodies, defying subjects, deferring texts : gender, sexuality, and transgression in Chinese Canadian women's writing
2013 A Salute to Feminine Utopia: Part One Feminist Manifestos and Utopian Fiction and Part Two Cwenaland an Odyssey
2024 Respuestas inquietantes al extractivismo: un estudio ecogótico de La Compañía de Verónica Gerber Bicecci
1989 The Family :The Way to Christ in Flannery O'Connor's fiction
2001 Children as rhetorical devices in Henry James' fiction
2000 The path for the individual reader : an investigation of Paul Auster's relationship to his reader through the creation of space and manipulation of convention
1999 Dos Passos' Response To Whitman
2008 Narrating violence and the nation in Nigeria in the fiction of Anthonia Kalu and Sefi Atta
2015 Teatralidades y políticas de la memoria y el cuerpo: Patricia Ariza y Nohora Ayala (1995-2013)
1996 The american literary canon debate beyond the "aesthetic" and "political" positions
1997 Rapport sexuel et écriture : une anthropologie politique de la littérature du XXe siècle
1996 How did you know what you were reading? : Gibbon's history and eighteenth-century verisimilitude
2024 Sobre las semejanzas sintácticas entre el español y el francés y su aprovechamiento en el aula