2009 |
[E]scape :
anonymat et politique à l'ère de la mobilisation globale: passages chinois pour la communauté qui vient |
Bordeleau, Erik |
Lu, Tonglin; Massumi, Brian |
2014 |
La persistance du désir chez Diadorim |
Carlos Junior, José |
Lu, Tonglin; Mavrikakis, Catherine |
2023 |
“Some say that happy women are immaterial:” ecofeminist materiality in the work of Virginia Woolf and Mina Loy |
Jones, Alyssa |
Malcolm, Jane |
2016 |
“I Do This, You Do That:” mass consumption and subversive protopolitics in Frank O’Hara’s poetry |
Germain, Gabriel |
Malcolm, Jane |
2018 |
Noisy and haptic interventions in the feminist codex : daring refusals by H. D., Lisa Robertson, Rachel Zolf, and Erín Moure |
MacEachern, Jessica N. |
Malcolm, Jane; Moyes, Lianne |
2015 |
Waxing Ornamental : Reading a Poetics of Excess in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood |
Taylor, Benjamin |
Malcolm, Jane; Schwartzwald, Robert |
1994 |
La función del intelectual : Pier-Paolo Pasolini, Tahar Ben Jelloun y Octavio Paz |
Fasola, Cecilia Iris |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
2007 |
Alla ricerca di ospitalità : mondi impossibili nella narrativa italiana contemporanea |
Benelli, Elena |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
2004 |
De l'exemple à l'expérimentation : proposition d'un savoir chez Augusto Boal et Jorge Semprú\n |
Loinaz, Maïté |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
1997 |
How to narrate a woman's experience without falling ill and dying of it |
Purchase, Chantal Frances |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
2003 |
The practice of memory in hypertext wor(l)ds |
Klei, Alice van der |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
2006 |
L'esthétique de l'espace dans le cinéma d'auteur à l'époque de la mondialisation |
Dugas, Lucie |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
2003 |
I folli voli di Ulisse |
Basile, Paola |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
2008 |
Le temps décomposé : cinéma et imaginaire de la ruine |
Habib, André |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
2016 |
Romarcord : flânerie dans la cine-città |
Vargau, Marina |
Mariniello, Silvestra |
2007 |
Théâtralité du cinéma : enjeux scénographiques et dramaturgiques |
Lafleur, Guillaume |
Mariniello, Silvestra; Garneau, Michèle |
2004 |
El archipiélago de la memoria en la novela de la migración |
Mota, Angel |
Mariniello, Silvestra; Moser, Walter |
1996 |
Trois cas d'une critique marginale : Aquin, Gould et Pasolini |
Dupuis, Gilles |
Mariniello, Silvestra; Moser, Walter |
2010 |
L'India nell'immaginario occidentale |
Longo, Maria Luisa |
Mariniello, Silvestra; Pandolfi, Maria Rosaria |
2003 |
A critical theory of rhythm and temporality in film : the metamorphosis of memory and history in Tarkovsky's Mirror (1975) |
Nelson, Tollof A. |
Mariniello, Silvestra; Villeneuve, Johanne |
2001 |
Monstrous desires : homosexuality and the gothic in twentieth-century american literature |
Peters, Brian Mitchell |
Martin, Robert K. |
2001 |
Metaphysical and occult explorations of H.D., D.H. Lawrence, and Virginia Woolf |
Norris, Nanette Nina |
Martin, Robert K. |
1996 |
"Aesthete of Aesthetes" : Punch and the self-marketing of Oscar Wilde |
Boyd, Jason |
Martin, Robert K. |
1999 |
Exotic journeys : exploring the erotics of american travel literature, 1840-1930 |
Edwards, Justin |
Martin, Robert K. |
2005 |
Knowledge of self : identidy negociation and invisible man |
Gunning, Roxane |
Martin, Robert K. |
1999 |
The production of White Space : adventure as spatial practice in Cooper, Richardson, and Boldrewood |
Ivison, Douglas |
Martin, Robert K. |
1997 |
Sentimentality and post-gay identity |
Yap, Timothy |
Martin, Robert K. |
1993 |
Disclosing the dialectic of desire : the impact of classical mythology and the nineteenth century on E.M. Forster and Maurice |
Peters, Brian Mitchell |
Martin, Robert K. |
1998 |
Double consciousness : whitman in the texts of Ngugi Wa Thiong'o, C.L.R. James, and Langston Hughes |
Coogan, Leigh |
Martin, Robert K. |
1999 |
Walt Whitman's "The Sleepers" : fantasia of the unconscious or a consciously rendered dream? |
Stanciulescu, Maria Antoaneta |
Martin, Robert K. |
2000 |
Tainted love : AIDS, theory, ethics, elegy |
Piggford, George |
Martin, Robert K. |
2004 |
Constructing desire : Alfred Tennyson, Walt Whitman and the development of homoerotic desire in elegiac poetry |
Cameron-Gardos, Paris Sébastien |
Martin, Robert K.; Eberle Sinatra, Michael |
1996 |
The paradox of impossibility as the building ground for homosexual identity in selected works by Klaus Mann |
Zampa, Michel |
Martin, Robert K.; Mayer-Iswandy, Claudia |
2024 |
La violencia de género en el cuento fantástico y de terror de autoría femenina en Latinoamérica (2016-2022) |
Romero Rosas, Dafne Elena |
Martin Sevillano, Ana Belen |
2013 |
Memoria cultural e histórica afrocolombiana en La Trilogía de Urabá de Marta Rodríguez y Fernando Restrepo |
Noguera, Margarita Sofia |
Martin Sevillano, Ana Belen |
2013 |
Memoria, nación y pertenencia en la obra de Benedicto Chuaqui |
Béland, Michelle |
Martin Sevillano, Ana Belen |
2013 |
La re-escritura de la violencia en Estaba la pájara pinta sentada en el verde limón de Albalucía Ángel |
Correa, Margarita |
Martin Sevillano, Ana Belen |
2020 |
Intertextualidad y espacio social : de Lima la horrible a Yo amo a mi mami |
Miranda, Gilberto |
Martin Sevillano, Ana Belen |
2022 |
Revisionismo histórico en El hombre que amaba a los perros de Leonardo Padura |
Vertiz Nunez, Marietta |
Martin Sevillano, Ana Belen |
2015 |
Olga Elena Mattei frente al canon de la poesía colombiana de su tiempo (1962-2005) |
Vélez Pelaez, Sergio Esteban |
Martin Sevillano, Ana Belen |