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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiantes et étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus , le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant
2005 Vigencia y pervivencia del teatro sefardi : Del Hacino imaginado al Ipohondriozo
2005 Knowledge of self : identidy negociation and invisible man
2005 From Shakespeare's globe to our globe
2005 Poststructuralism and ontological hermeneutics : two non-theoretical approaches to literature and their roots in jewish though
2005 Feministische Schreibweisen in Elfriede Jelineks Klavierspielerin und Calixthe Beyalas C'est le soleil qui m'a brulée
2005 Missing-in-action : the American cipher in Bret Easton Ellis and Douglas Coupland
2005 Existential criminology : a profile of phantom killers
2005 The shopping channel : simulation, consumption, and the author as cultural critic in Don DeLillo's White Noise
2005 Conceptions of the self : a theoretical, fictional, and analytical investigation
2005 What language is this ? : a study of abjection in Djuna Barnes's Nightwood and Anne Stone's Hush
2005 A bildungsroman-testimonial narrative from the margins : subjection, self-cultivation and subversion in Jimmy Santiago Baca's A Place to stand
2005 Nation and its configuration : the (mis)representation of the Orient in the literary imagination of Melville
2006 "Inside our own skins" : representations of estrangement in four plays by Tennessee Williams
2006 Reading the alternative text : the emergence of the feminine in Malory's Morte Darthur
2006 El "fenómeno" Zoé Valdés : proceso de autolegitimación de un discurso del exilio
2006 The symbolical functions of space in fantasy : towards a topography of the genre
2006 Preposterous transitions : textual attitudes and the creation of a China in Ezra pound's Shi Jing translations
2006 The psychoanalytical controversy over desire in Shakespeare's Hamlet : from oedipus to anti-oedipus
2006 Wandering lost : searching for the end in Auden and Isherwood's journey to a war
2006 Las venas abiertas de America Latina de Eduardo Galeano : Paradojas de la recepción