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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiantes et étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus , le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant
2008 Mémoire, mort et hantise : le sujet divisé dans Austerlitz e W.G. Sebald
2008 Figures du héros dans la représentation de la Seconde Guerre mondiale au Québec : redéfinitions et déplacements
2017-06 The self and its complicated relationship with writing in The Diary
2012-06 The Body and the Parent-Daughter Bond : Negotiating Haitian Filial Relationships in Edwidge Danticat’s Breath, Eyes, Memory and The Dew Breaker
2021-04 Unseen (re)creation : trafficking and migrant sex work in Chris Abani's Becoming Abigail and Chika Unigwe's On Black Sisters' Street
2023-08 Mobility, vagabondage, and the claiming of modern African American diasporic identity
2023-08 Fictions and forced forgetfulness in the plays of Edward Albee during the long 1960s
2018-04 Galactic ecofeminism and posthuman transcendence : the tentative utopias of Octavia E. Butler's Lilith's Brood
2023-08 Society, Blackness, Madness : a reading of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Home
2009-09 In The Circle : jazz Griots and the Mapping of African American Cultural Memory in Poetry
2021-08 Shirley Jackson's House trilogy : domestic gothic and postwar architectural culture
2022-08 Romance, gender, and identity in Americanah, and Tar Baby
2022-08 Hip-Hop feminism : representations of female development in Roxanne Roxanne and Push
2023-08 The trauma of menarche in African American literature
2009 The word in the world : "Fallen preachers" in Zora Neale Hurston's Jonah's Gourd Vine and Flannery O'Connor's The violent bear it away
2020-08 Trauma, hybridity, and creolization in Edwidge Danticat’s Breath, eyes, memory and The dew breaker
2015-08 Faulkner revisited : narrating property, race, gender and history in William Faulkner's Go Down, Moses, Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon and Gloria Naylor's Mama Day
2019-01 Mapping the captive body in three twenty-first century women’s writings
2009 Geographies and displacements : theorizing feminism, migration, and transnational feminist practices in selected black caribbean canadian women's texts
2013-01 Colonial Ideology and Legacy and Feminine Resistance in Jamaica Kincaid
1999 The spaces between : A.S. Byatt and postmodern realism
1997 Cavafy's influence on W.H. Auden
2008 Représentation de la révolution grecque dans la presse écrite du Bas-Canada (1821-1831)
2019-04 Dialogue, philosophie, éducation et conscientisation
2009-08 Ο μύθος της επιστροφής στη νεοελληνική ποίηση του 20ου αιώνα : le mythe du retour dans la poésie néo-hellénique du XXe siècle
2009-12 Les Essais de Dimitrios Katartzis
2020-12 Twenty-First-Century Arab-Shakespeare encounters : adaptation, conflict, conversion, and revolution
2005 From Shakespeare's globe to our globe
2014-05 Women, sources, and rhetoric in George Pettie’s A petite pallace of Pettie his pleasure
2017-08 Gender Performativity in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde and Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida
2023-01 “Private” subjects and public violations : women and the public sphere in Shakespeare
2008 Wanted : dead or alive. Women as bodies in Shakespeare's Pericles, King Lear and Macbeth
2023-08 Cross-dressing Shakespeare : contemporary Japanese performances and adaptations
2023-08 Shakespeare and the hermeneutics of censorship in Renaissance England
2013-01 Deictic shifts and discursive strategies in Othello
2022-08 “Document[s] in madness” : female mental (dis)abilities in Hamlet and The Changeling
2010-08 Variations on charisma : Shakespeare's saintly, villain, and lustful leaders
2006 Reading the alternative text : the emergence of the feminine in Malory's Morte Darthur
2013-04 No Laughing Matter: Shakespearean Melancholy and the Transformation of Comedy
2019-08 Midwife-Witches : examining midwives and women's magick in Ami McKay's The Birth House
2018-08 Japanese Macbeth : Shakespeare's role on the international stage
2006 When rhetoric is a lady : rhetorical identity and Shakespearean female characterization
2012-02 Bodies, Saracen giants, and the medieval romance : transgression, difference, and assimilation
2013-11 The Place of the Gods : Biblical, Tragic, and Humanist Modes in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra
1998 Writing the meal : dinner in early twentieth-century fiction by women
2005 Missing-in-action : the American cipher in Bret Easton Ellis and Douglas Coupland
2008 Mental illness in modern and contemporary theatre : An analysis of representations of mental illness in a selection of plays, accompanied by a new play about schizophrenia
2000 Cinco horas con Mario : dos versiones, un discurso ambiguo
2005 Identidad sefardí en la produccíon literia de Isaac Chocrón
2007 Interacción y adquisición de la lengua en el marco del nuevo programa de español en Quebec