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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiantes et étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus , le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant
2017-12 Transmission et traduction du récit de voyage de Bougainville et de son épisode malouin
1996 Translating cultural hybridity : conceptualizations of cultural identity in translations from the work of Else Lasker-Schüler
2014-01 Transgression in Matthew Lewis's The Monk and the Fragmentation of the Self
2007 Transcripción y contextualización de testimonios de la visita pastoral de Pedro Cortés y Larraz (Guatemala, 1768-1770)
1989 Tragedy and madness : a study of eight plays
2009-12 Traduire et interpréter : survol des constructions subjectives d'Ezra Pound et de Xi Chuan
2009 Traducción literaria de cinco obras menores de Agustín Moreto
2022-06 Tradition carnavalesque et tentation sociologique : fictions et représentations des petits blancs à la campagne aux États-Unis et en France entre 1990 et 2016
2020-12 Toryism reconstructed : the relationship between T.C. Haliburton's The Clockmaker and Canadian Imperialists
2000 Topographie littéraire de Moscou et signes conflictuels de l'espace dans l'oeuvre de Boulgakov, Zamiatine et Maïakovski
2023-12 Tiere als Heimat : die Rolle der Tiere in Johanna Spyris Roman Heidis Lehr-und Wanderjahre
1998 Through a glass darkly : gothic intertexts in Margaret Atwood's Cat's eye
1996 This is who I am and why : codes, will, confession and transformation in Atwood, Ricci, Salinger and Baldwin
2009 The word in the world : "Fallen preachers" in Zora Neale Hurston's Jonah's Gourd Vine and Flannery O'Connor's The violent bear it away
2023-11 The woman novelist as philosopher : an enquiry into the works of Frances Burney, Ann Radcliffe, and Jane Austen
2019-10 The violence of bearing witness in Flannery O’Connor and Cormac McCarthy
1992 The use of the grotesque in Swift
1989 The unveiling of self : Whitman, Miller, Ginsberg
1992 The unsung hero in the contemporary english-canadian novel
2023-08 The trauma of menarche in African American literature
2004 The toxic morsel : T.E. Lawrence and The mint
1990 "The Town-Ho's Story" as Sermon and psychological drama : the signifiance of an episode in Melville's Moby-Dick
1994 The Three-Nooked World Ideology and Power in Shakespeare's Roman Plays
1996 The theme of water in the novels of Tobias Smollett
2006 The symbolical functions of space in fantasy : towards a topography of the genre
1999 The spaces between : A.S. Byatt and postmodern realism
2007 The signifying chains of paranoia
2005 The shopping channel : simulation, consumption, and the author as cultural critic in Don DeLillo's White Noise
2017-06 The self and its complicated relationship with writing in The Diary
1993 The role of dignity in Holocaust memoirs
1989 The representation of women and madness in Doris Lessing's novel The four-gated city
1996 The representation of the World of childhood in the Canterbury Tales
1997 The question of identity in italian-canadian fiction
2006 The psychoanalytical controversy over desire in Shakespeare's Hamlet : from oedipus to anti-oedipus
1999 The production of White Space : adventure as spatial practice in Cooper, Richardson, and Boldrewood
2003 The practice of memory in hypertext wor(l)ds
2001 The power of illusion of reality : getting to know the characters of Dragonlance
2021-11 The politics of female friendship in contemporary speculative fiction
2018-11 The poetics of translation : a thinking structure
2000 The play of desire : Sinclair Ross's Gay fiction
2013-11 The Place of the Gods : Biblical, Tragic, and Humanist Modes in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra
2000 The path for the individual reader : an investigation of Paul Auster's relationship to his reader through the creation of space and manipulation of convention
1996 The paradox of impossibility as the building ground for homosexual identity in selected works by Klaus Mann
2019-04 Theorizing the peregrinations of Anglo/Québécois literature in translation
1990 Théorie d'un discours féminin : pour une lecture féminine de textes hispaniques
2012-01 "The nothing that is" : An Ethics of Absence Within the Poetry of Wallace Stevens
1999 The non-verbal as a means of communication in Three of Harold Pinter's plays : the dumb waiter, the homecoming and the lover
1993 The narrator and the reader of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet letter and other romances
2006 The narrative structure of comics
2022-03 The narrative manipulation of human subjectivity : a machinic exploration of psyche as artificial ready-made